Darren Austin Hall

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Sophia's Smile/Transmission 08: Science's Misogyny

"My only earthly wish is... to stretch the deplorably narrow limits of man's dominion over the universe to their promised bounds... [nature will be] bound into service, hounded in her wanderings and put on the rack and tortured for her secrets."

-- Francis Bacon

The words of the father of empirical science.

Credited with establishing and popularizing THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD.

Empirical science rooted in MISOGYNY, RAPE OF NATURE...

Remind you of rhetoric found elsewhere?

The Malleus Maleficarum maybe? (Guidebook for Inquistors)

Or perhaps fundamentalist religious ideas?


Empirical Science and fundamentalist religion not as different as one might think.

What happens when a misogynist, anti-nature dogmatism rules the world?

ECOCIDE = end-game of misogyny.

Rape of Earth.

Rape of Her...

Connect the dots.

Psychopathy is closer than you think.

Is an AI techno-tyranny justified in the face of the current pandemic?

How many freedoms are you willing to give up?

House Resolution 6666 passed May 1st.

Do you want 'robo-dogs' tracking your social distancing?

Why is manditory vaccination just another conspiracy theory and yet the news keeps polling if we are for or against it?

Preparing us?

Why are natural medicines denounced by the WHO in treating CV when they have been shown to treat all kinds of illnesses, including curing cancer, for thousands of years?

Why are the portals for our information censoring natural medicine under orders from the WHO? (Youtube, FB)

Natural medicine = quackery.

Quackery = euphemism for witchcraft.

What did the Inquisition do to the witches, to women?

What if fathers of science were of the same ilk?

What if this was never corrected and spread through the centuries, like a virus?

Why did the paragon of misogyny, Jeffrey Epstein, rub shoulders with great scientists and Bill Gates AFTER he was first convicted of soliciting sex with a minor?

Bill Gates: pushing for absolute vaccination.

Bill Gates: owns the companies making the vaccines.

Conflict of interest?

What was Bill Gates sued for by the US government?

Did his monopoly get dissolved?

Or did it just change fields (software to healthcare)?

NOW: governments proposing AI security state, total control over human beings for sake of the 'pandemic'.

AI is the PINNACLE of Misogyny.

Any wonder that the first AI robot was called Sophia?

Who else was called such a name?

The Goddess that is Earth.

What is this really about??

What are we really up against?

How old does this go?

You have more than you know.

You are Gnosis...

"Neither scientist nor theologian integrated the human and natural in a way that yielded a sense of our kinship with the universe and our ethical observation of the living planet. There is in fact a deep psychological continuity between the Christian hostility to paganism and the rise of modern science. Both are committed to the desacralization of the natural world."

-- Theodore Roszak

"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."

-- C. S. Lewis